COVID-19 came to the forefront of our nation in early March 2020. The global pandemic affected people, businesses, and markets alike, posing new challenges and reshaping the way that the electrical contracting industry operates in a variety of aspects. People and businesses have had to adapt quickly and efficiently to continue operating in a safe and productive manner. The new and unpredictable nature of the pandemic required responses to be fast-paced and innovative.
Among the new responses required by the COVID-19 situation was first and foremost the safety of employees and the surrounding community. The construction industry as a whole was determined by government officials to be an essential component of business, therefore electrical contractors were allowed to continue operating provided that they properly addressed safety concerns by putting the health of their employees, their families, and the entire community’s needs first. So how did they do it? Each organization was to put together a comprehensive COVID-19 Employee Guideline to ensure that safety measures were properly addressed. Some of the changes to business procedures included sending nonessential personnel to work from home, using non-contact greeting methods, scheduling regular handwashing reminders, disinfecting all shared surfaces, not sharing tools, increasing ventilation, following social distancing rules at all times, holding essential meetings outdoors, avoiding face-to-face meetings when possible, taking lunches and breaks separately, limiting multi-person activities, eliminating carpooling, and more. Prime Electrical Services also encourages its employees to take special attention and care of their emotional and mental wellbeing, as self-isolation and pandemic situations can put additional stressors on mental health.
Another reality of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the slowing down of manufacturing. This posed a special issue for electrical contractors since necessary supplies and materials could be difficult to come by. Thankfully, Prime Electrical is a relationship-driven company with an array of reliable vendors. We would like to take this time to extend a special thank you to all of our vendors, as they have helped ensure that our needs are met and that we can move forward with our projects.
Since economic stressors were placed on businesses, some organizations made the decision to postpone their projects. However, some businesses viewed the shutdown as an opportunity to do necessary tenant improvements without having to displace or inconvenience their staff, since many of their employees were working from home. Our Prime leaders have taken special initiative handing time-sensitive projects on strict schedules. Way to go, Prime team!
As the national economy is recovering and businesses and public spaces are being allowed to reopen, the electrical contracting industry is making a rapid recovery with new projects and positions opening up on a daily basis.
In conclusion, COVID-19 has reshaped the electrical contracting industry. Businesses have had to rethink and evolve their daily procedures, putting particular emphasis on employee and public health. While COVID-19 has presented challenges, companies have been able to work together with their partners to pull through in a time of crisis. Prime is incredibly thankful for its reliable vendors and strong employees during these times and always!
Prime COVID-19 Employee Guidelines
Prime Electrical Services, Inc. prides itself on putting employee needs first and ensuring that every member of the Prime team has access to the proper safety measures. Prime employees can view our comprehensive employee guidelines by signing in to the Employee Login page on our website and viewing the policy in both English and Spanish. In addition, a poster overview and hand washing guidelines are posted at every job site.
Not Feeling Well? Stay Home!
As always, Prime asks its employees to stay home if they are not feeling well. If an employee has any symptoms, has been exposed to someone who is sick, or has a fever of 100.3 degrees or above, ask him or her to please stay home. In addition, employees should be required to self-certify before starting their shirt that he or she is not sick.
PPE and Additional Equipment
Prime provided facemasks, hand sanitizer, gloves, and safety glasses to every Prime team member to ensure that potential exposure is kept to a minimum and employees are able to feel comfortable on the job
Having Trouble with Foggy Glasses?
Are you or another electrician having trouble with your facemask fogging up your safety glasses? Head over to our Instagram @primeelectrical2002 for a helpful tip on how to stay safe on the job and keep your glasses from fogging up! You can also find the information on our Facebook @primeelctrical
Looking Forward
As businesses and organizations continue to reopen, it is important that we make an effort to keep guidelines in place to help prevent a resurgence and keep our community healthy. Prime intends to do everything in its power to do its part in keeping the Prime team and the community safe.
Thank You
Prime would like to thank all of the healthcare professionals and first responders for their efforts regarding the COVID-19 crisis and for keeping our community and Prime family safe. Thank you!